Unity-SCORM Integration Kit  1.0
Integrate Unity3d Projects with your LMS via SCORM
Public Attributes | List of all members
StudentRecord.LearnerInteractionRecord Class Reference

cmi.interactions.n.X datatype More...

Public Attributes

string id
 cmi.interactions.n.id More...
InteractionType type
 cmi.interactions.n.type More...
DateTime timeStamp
 cmi.interactions.n.timestamp More...
float weighting
 cmi.interactions.n.weighting More...
string response
 cmi.interactions.n.learner_response More...
float latency
 cmi.interactions.n.latency More...
string description
 cmi.interactions.n.description More...
ResultType result
 cmi.interactions.n.result More...
float estimate
 cmi.interactions.n.estimate More...
List< LearnerInteractionObjectiveobjectives
 cmi.interactions.n.objectives.n.X More...
List< LearnerInteractionCorrectResponsecorrectResponses
 cmi.interactions.n.correct_responses.n.X More...

Detailed Description

cmi.interactions.n.X datatype

Member Data Documentation

List<LearnerInteractionCorrectResponse> StudentRecord.LearnerInteractionRecord.correctResponses



string StudentRecord.LearnerInteractionRecord.description


Brief informative description of the interaction. Commonly the question text.

float StudentRecord.LearnerInteractionRecord.estimate


if the result is intended to be a real number, set the result type to ResultType.estimate, and then set the float value here. When a SetValue is called to the LMS, the float value is stored.

string StudentRecord.LearnerInteractionRecord.id


Label for objectives associated with the interaction. You do not need to set this when creating a new LearnerInteractionRecord. The ScormManager class automatically creates a unique identifier for you.

float StudentRecord.LearnerInteractionRecord.latency


Time elapsed between the time the interaction was made available to the learner for response and the time of the first response. Stored in seconds. It is converted to the ISO601 Duration format used in SCORM (see https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=ISO_8601#Durations) before being set to the LMS

List<LearnerInteractionObjective> StudentRecord.LearnerInteractionRecord.objectives



string StudentRecord.LearnerInteractionRecord.response


Data generated when a learner responds to an interaction.

ResultType StudentRecord.LearnerInteractionRecord.result


Judgment of the correctness of the learner response.

DateTime StudentRecord.LearnerInteractionRecord.timeStamp


Point in time at which the interaction was first made available to the learner for learner interaction and response. It is converted to the ISO601 Times format used in SCORM (see https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=ISO_8601#Times) before being set to the LMS

InteractionType StudentRecord.LearnerInteractionRecord.type


Which type of interaction is recorded.

float StudentRecord.LearnerInteractionRecord.weighting


Weight given to the interaction relative to other interactions

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